Mr. Petric

Stephen Petric

Mini Meteorologists

[email protected]




Full Sail University – Bachelor of Sciences: Video Game Development

New Jersey City University – Bachelor of Sciences: Computer Science 

New Jersey City University - Masters of Arts: Educational Technology


K – 6 Elementary Content Knowledge

5 – 8  Elementary Teacher with Mathematics Specialization

Automated External Defibrillator, Lifeguarding, C.P.R, First Aid, Water Safety Instructor

Awards and Honors

Nominated for Advanced Achiever

Magna Cum Laude

International Golden Key Honour Society Member 


As a product of the Union City school system myself I decided to give back to the community and impart my knowledge onto future generations. I have been a full time teacher for the past 11 years now. Prior to that I was a substitute teacher for an additional 2 years. Aside from teaching I was also the Assistant Coach for the UCHS Girls Swim Team, since I began coaching the girls swim team has become county champions 6 times in the last 7 years. Now I am currently the Head Coach for the UCHS Boys Swim Team. 

Conference Times

To schedule a meeting please speak with Nancy Francisco. 201-348-5960 ext. 3111


Classroom Procedures and Policies

Students in 2nd grade and upwards are required to have a separate science notebook. Also, all 2nd - 4th grade classes are registered on Classdojo. If you have not received an invitation please email me and I will send one to you.


If you have not already signed up for classdojo please do so. If you need a parental code please email me. I post all assignments and pictures on there. 

1st Marking Period Vocabulary
2nd Grade Vocabulary
Hurricane - A spinning storm that stays in the sky
Tornado - A spinning storm that touches the ground
Mountain - A giant pointy rock
Valley - A gap between mountains
Lava - Melted rock
Wind - Moving air
Water - The most important liquid for life
Ocean - Salt water
Heat - A type of energy
Epicenter - Middle of an Earthquake
3rd Grade Vocabulary Words
Precipitation - water that falls from clouds (rain, snow, hail, sleet)
Condensation - Water vapor turns into a liquid
Evaporation - Liquid turns to gas
Magma - Slow moving melted rocks
Lava - Fast moving melted rocks
Cyclone - Wind or water that spins
Temperature - How hot or cold something is
Thermometer - Checks temperature
Barometer - Checks air pressure
Weather - What it's like outside
Erosion-Movement of broken objects by wind and/or water
Weathering-Breaking objects with wind and/or water
Climate-The weather in certain area over years
Cleavage-clean/smooth break, has straight lines
Fracture-rough break, has bumps
Atmosphere-Protective layer around planet
Hardness-Strength of rock
Streak-Powder of rock
Mineral-Build blocks of rocks, about 3,000
2nd Marking Period Vocabulary
2nd Grade
Force - anything that requires energy or work
Push - a force that moves away from you
Pull - a force that moves towards you
Gravity - a downward force
Buoyancy - Does it float? The property of floating
Mass - weight
Change - transformation
Energy - The ability to do work
Motion - movement
Friction - when 2 objects rub against each other
3rd Grade
Matter - Anything and everything
Property - Anything you can see, hear, taste, touch or smell
Atoms - Building Blocks of Matter
Solid - Anything that you can't pass through, Food ooo
Liquid - Anything that flows, Oil, water, paint o o o
Gas- Anything you can smell, Smoke, Air o o o
Protons - Positive part of an atom, +
Neutrons - Neutral part of an atom
Electron - Negative part of an atom, -
Element - A type of Atom, 118 total
4th Grade
Aerodynamics - movement of wind around an object
Hydrodynamics - movement of water around an object
Acceleration - Speeding Up
Velocity - Gaining speed in a certain direction
Plasma - 4th State of Matter, Sun and Electricity
Resistance - An opposite force
Reflection - Light Bouncing
Refraction - Light Bending
Impact - a collision
Molecule - 2 or more elements together, H2O


3rd Marking Period Vocabulary
2nd Grade

Shelter – A safe place

Living – Something that eats, drinks, grows and reproduces

Nonliving – Something that does not eat, drink, grow or reproduce

Animal – A living thing that gets energy from food

Plant – A living thing that gets energy from the sun

Food Chain – The flow of energy from the sun to plants to animals

Predator – an animal that eats another animal

Prey – the animal that gets eaten

Food Web – Multiple food chains together

Transpiration – Water that evaporates from plants, dew


3rd Grade

Habitat – Home

Classification – Putting things in like groups

Mammals – Warm blooded animals that breathe air and give live birth, except for Platypus

Insects – Cold blooded animals with 3 body parts and 6 or more legs

Reptiles – Cold blooded animals that lay eggs and have rough skin

Birds – Warm blooded animals that have wings and feathers

Amphibians – Cold blooded animals that are born in water and live on land

Fish – Cold blooded animals that breathe water and have fins

Mollusks – Cold blooded animals that breathe with their skin

Germinate – to make a seed grow


4th Grade

Ecosystem – The balance in nature between plants, animals and all living and non-living things

Kingdom – A layer of classification, there are 6 kingdoms of life (Animals, Plants, Bacteria, Archaea, Fungi, Protist)

Calorie – The energy inside food

Coniferous – An ever-green forest

Deciduous – A forest that losses its leaves

Deforestation – The shrinking and disappearance of a forest

Flood – When water builds up where it normally is not

Drought – When water is lacking

Protista – A kingdom of life, example Plankton

Archaea – Oldest living kingdom, ancient bacteria do not have brains

Marking Period 1 Projects – Earth Science

2nd Grade

Mandatory Projects

  • Rain in a cup
  • Volcano

Choice Projects

  • Rain Gauge
  • Tornado
  • Sun Dial
  • Weather Report (Green Screen)
  • Brackish water Display

3rd Grade

Mandatory Projects

  • Rock Cycle Diorama
  • Salt Crystals/ Rock Candy

Choice Projects

  • Volcano
  • Tornado
  • Weather Report (Green Screen)
  • Water Cycle Diorama
  • Brackish water Display

4th Grade

Mandatory Projects

  • Erosion/ Weathering of a rock
  • Build an Earthquake proof building

Choice Projects

  • Weather Report (Green Screen)
  • Layers of Earth diorama
  • Salt crystals/ Rock Candy
  • Brackish water Display

2nd Grade

Mandatory (will be done in class)

- Cardboard/ Styrofoam Plane

- Playdoh Boat

Choice projects – pick 2

- Slime

- An example of a Pulley System

- Simple Circuit (can be done in class)

- Lava Lamp *oil and water in bottle"

- Working Cup Phone


3rd Grade


- Egg Parachute (I will provide the egg)

- Catapult must be able to launch a small object


Choice - pick 2

Box Car

Playdoh Boat

Floating Egg Experiment

Atom Diorama

A Song, poem or skit about Matter


*For building projects students must have a detailed blueprint in their note books!


4th Grade


- Sled

-Must be at least 5 inches long

-Must have a seat belt for a lego person

-Must have a cargo area to hold a quarter

*Lego person and quarter will be given to students before race


- Balloon Powered Boat 

-Example on Mr. Petric’s web page under videos.


Choice Projects - Pick 2

-   Egg Parachute * Due before christmas

-   Catapult

-   Windmill

-   Molecule Diorama

-   A Song, poem or skit about Matter

2nd Grade - Projects (pick any 3)

- Leaf Drinking Experiment

- Build a Birds Nest

- Family Tree Poster

- Food Chain Poster

- Plant Seeds

- Rorschach Butterfly


3rd Grade- Projects (pick any 3)

- Life Cycle Diorama or Stop Motion Video
- Build a Bird House
- Make a Habitat Travel Brochure or Commercial
- Make a super hero with powers from animal’s adaptations (Camouflage, Blubber, Fur, Wings, etc.) *must write a short story about their hero and how they got their powers
- Create a new animal and have a classmate classify it. Classmate must write a paragraph about why they placed your animal in their chosen animal class
- Plant Seeds (Must be at least 6 inches tall and alive on April 15th)
4th Grade - Project (pick any 3)

- Create a water filter

- Build a dam

- Animal Research Project

- Ecosystem Diorama

- Plant Seeds

- Make a 2000 Calorie meal plan


If you have not already please sign up for to see how your child is behaving during science. If you need a parental code please email me and I will send you one.