Mrs. Michael
Mary Michael
First Grade- Room 201
Welcome to Mrs. Michael's First Grade Webpage!
Bachelor of Science: Biology- University of Science. Egypt
Masters Degree: Early Childhood Education New Jersey City University
New Jersey City University; P3 Certificate
New Jersey City University; ESL + Bilingual Education
Awards & Honors
Recipient of the 2015-2016 New Jersey Governor's
Educator of the Year Award
2015-16 Thomas Jefferson School
"Teacher of the Year"
Conference Times:
I am available to meet with parents/guardians to discuss student progress.
Please call the Parent Liaison at: 201-348-5960 to schedule an appointment.
2021 -2022 Specials:
1. Monday: Music
2.Tuesday: Science
3.Wednesday: Computers
4.Thursday: Gym & World Language
5. Friday: Art
Please always read to your child a small book
every night.
Go Jefferson Jaguars!!!
"Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow"