Mrs. Romero

Mayelin Romero

[email protected]


N.J.C.U. - Early Childhood Education, E.S.L., and Master in Urban Education specialization in Bilingual Program.

High Institute for Teacher Ruben Martinez Villena - Bachelor of Sciences: Computer

Teacher of Preschool Through Grade 3
Master's in Urban Education, Specialization in Bilingual Program.
Computer Science K-12
Supervisor Certification
Teacher of the Year 2020-2021
Hello. I am Mayelin Romero, a first-grade teacher at Thomas Jefferson School. I have worked for the Union City district for 15 years, teaching Kindergarten before teaching first grade. I know first grade is a huge transition, but I love it. I trust that we can work together for a successful year like every year. I have always been passionate about teaching the Jefferson Jaguar kids, and I especially enjoy it!
I was born and raised in Havana, Cuba, in the Guines Valley. In 2008, I moved to the United States with my family.
I graduated "From Ruben Martinez Villena" University in 2000 with a bachelor's degree in Computer Science Education. Later, I attended N.J.C.U. and earned my pre-school, E.S.L., Bilingual Teacher Certification, Master of Arts in Urban Education, and Supervisor certification. I look forward to many more years of teaching the brilliant students at Jefferson School.
Conference Times:
I'm available to meet with parents/guardians virtually to discuss student progress. Please schedule an appointment with our Parent Liaison (Nancy Francisco) at 201-348-5960, ext. 78101.
Days and Times: (PREPS)
Monday  1:30  to 2:05 pm
Tuesday, 9:55 to 10:30
Wednesday, 9:55 to 10:30
Other times available upon request
Classroom Procedures and Policies:

Homework: I give homework daily, except on Fridays (sometimes a review is given for a test the following week), holidays, and breaks. The task consists of one math, one reading, and one spelling/phonics.

Tests: Every Friday, I give the class spelling, writing, and reading tests. Math tests with the exact date will be announced a week before the test is given. School Folders (need to check it every day): Every day, your child needs to complete the homework at their home. You can also write me a note with any concerns/questions  through email at [email protected]


Background image Mrs. Mayelin  Romero`s profile picture
Mrs. Mayelin Romero
1st Grade
Room 202