STEM & Coding Club
Thomas Jefferson's STEM & Coding Club fosters students’ imagination and creativity, reinforces critical, computational thinking skills and promotes teamwork. Students improve their problem solving and analytical skills as well as develop an understanding for the technology that is shaping our world today. They will also learn basic computer science concepts as they explore and design algorithms to execute different tasks. The STEM & Coding Club is a Project Based Learning Club. Students are given a task or problem and they must research, design, and build the best possible solution. Students will learn critical 21st century skills used in today's workforce. The students are chosen from the 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade classrooms.
Looking at last years projects the STEM Club student's, this year, decided to improve upon last years pumpkin catapult. The 2nd and 4th grade student's created two different designs using anything they can find within the building and the 3rd grade student's tested and helped improve upon both designs.