Happy Principal's Day

La Escuela de Thomas Jefferson celebró el Día del Director el 1 de mayo de 2024. Gracias Señor Celebrano por establecer altas expectativas para nuestros estudiantes y educadores.  Como Director, usted ha creado las condiciones para que nuestros maestros y estudiantes aprendan y tengan éxito.  Estamos eternamente agradecidos por su impacto en esta escuela, ¡siga con el gran trabajo! ¡LE APRECIAMOS! 
Happy Principal's Day at the Jefferson School
Happy Principal's Day at the Jefferson School
Happy Principal's Day at the Jefferson School
Happy Principal's Day at the Jefferson School
Happy Principal's Day at the Jefferson School
Happy Principal's Day at the Jefferson School
Happy Principal's Day at the Jefferson School
Happy Principal's Day at the Jefferson School
Happy Principal's Day at the Jefferson School
Happy Principal's Day at the Jefferson School
Happy Principal's Day at the Jefferson School
Happy Principal's Day at the Jefferson School
Happy Principal's Day at the Jefferson School
Happy Principal's Day at the Jefferson School
Happy Principal's Day at the Jefferson School
Happy Principal's Day at the Jefferson School
Happy Principal's Day at the Jefferson School
Happy Principal's Day at the Jefferson School
Happy Principal's Day at the Jefferson School
Happy Principal's Day at the Jefferson School
Happy Principal's Day at the Jefferson School
Happy Principal's Day at the Jefferson School
Happy Principal's Day at the Jefferson School
Happy Principal's Day at the Jefferson School