馃挋Celebrating Autism Awareness Day馃挋

It is important to empower the the autism community! From caretakers and parents, teachers and therapists, to self-advocates and brave people sharing their stories , each and every person contributes to the positive impact on the autism community.

It is also important to understand what Autism is and here is some helpful information from the National Autism Association (https://nationalautismassociation.org/resources/autism-fact-sheet/)

What is Autism?

  • Autism is a bio-neurological developmental disability that generally appears before the age of 3
  • Autism impacts the normal development of the brain in the areas of social interaction, communication skills, and cognitive function. Individuals with autism typically have difficulties in verbal and non-verbal communication, social interactions, and leisure or play activities
  • Individuals with autism often suffer from numerous co-morbid medical conditions which may include: allergies, asthma, epilepsy, digestive disorders, persistent viral infections, feeding disorders, sensory integration dysfunction, sleeping disorders, and more
  • Autism is diagnosed four times more often in boys than girls. Its prevalence is not affected by race, region, or socio-economic status. Since autism was first diagnosed in the U.S. the incidence has climbed to an alarming one in 36 children in the U.S.
  • Autism itself does not affect life expectancy, however research has shown that the mortality risk among individuals with autism is twice as high as the general population, in large part due to drowning and other accidents.
  • Currently there is no cure for autism, though with early intervention and treatment, the diverse symptoms related to autism can be greatly improved and in some cases completely overcome.
Recientemente, la Escuela de Jefferson celebr贸 el D铆a de Concienciaci贸n sobre el Autismo visti茅ndose de azul.  ILUM脥NALO DE AZUL 馃挋
Es importante empoderar a la comunidad autista. Desde cuidadores y padres, profesores y terapeutas, hasta autodefensores y personas valientes que comparten sus historias, todas y cada una de las personas contribuyen al impacto positivo en la comunidad autista.
Tambi茅n es importante entender qu茅 es el autismo y aqu铆 hay alguna informaci贸n 煤til de la Asociaci贸n Nacional de Autismo (https://nationalautismassociation.org/resources/autism-fact-sheet/)
驴Qu茅 es el autismo?
  • El autismo es una discapacidad del desarrollo bio-neurol贸gico que generalmente aparece antes de los 3 a帽os de edad.
  • El autismo afecta al desarrollo normal del cerebro en las 谩reas de interacci贸n social, habilidades de comunicaci贸n y funci贸n cognitiva.
  • Las personas con autismo suelen tener dificultades en la comunicaci贸n verbal y no verbal, las interacciones sociales y las actividades l煤dicas o de ocio.
  • Las personas con autismo suelen padecer numerosas afecciones m茅dicas concomitantes, como alergias, asma, epilepsia, trastornos digestivos, infecciones v铆ricas persistentes, trastornos de la alimentaci贸n, disfunci贸n de la integraci贸n sensorial, trastornos del sue帽o, etc.
  • El autismo se diagnostica cuatro veces m谩s a menudo en ni帽os que en ni帽as. Su prevalencia no se ve afectada por la raza, la regi贸n o el nivel socioecon贸mico. Desde que el autismo se diagnostic贸 por primera vez en EE.UU., su incidencia ha aumentado hasta alcanzar la alarmante cifra de uno de cada 36 ni帽os estadounidenses.
  • El autismo en s铆 no afecta a la esperanza de vida, pero las investigaciones han demostrado que el riesgo de mortalidad entre las personas con autismo es dos veces superior al de la poblaci贸n general.
Autism Awareness at the Jefferson School
Autism Awareness at the Jefferson School
Autism Awareness at the Jefferson School