Enjoying the Week of The Child

Durante el martes sabroso, los alumnos escucharon la lectura en voz alta de "Ensalada de frutas de la amistad" y debatieron sobre las formas de ser un buen amigo, como compartir, respetar los turnos y utilizar palabras amables. A continuación, los alumnos disfrutaron de una macedonia arco iris. Mientras preparaban la macedonia, los alumnos utilizaron sus habilidades de conteo para ver cuántas frutas tenían de cada una y cuál tenía más o menos. Los alumnos identificaron los diferentes colores y formas de las frutas y compartieron cuál era su favorita.
Week of the Young Child at the Jefferson School
Week of the Young Child at the Jefferson School
Week of the Young Child at the Jefferson School
Week of the Young Child at the Jefferson School
Week of the Young Child at the Jefferson School
Week of the Young Child at the Jefferson School
Week of the Young Child at the Jefferson School
Week of the Young Child at the Jefferson School
Week of the Young Child at the Jefferson School
.Week of the Young Child at the Jefferson School
Tasty Tuesday at the Jefferson School
Tasty Tuesday at the Jefferson School
Tasty Tuesday at the Jefferson School
Tasty Tuesday at the Jefferson School
Tasty Tuesday at the Jefferson School
Tasty Tuesday at the Jefferson School