Photo Library

group of children dressed in red, white and blue with flags
group of children dressed in red, white and blue with flags
group of children dressed in red, white and blue with flags
teacher holding microphone for the students giving speech
teacher holding microphone for the students giving speech
boy clapping
teacher holding microphone for the students giving speech
teacher holding microphone for girl giving speech
boys standing together signing
boys and girls singing and dancing
girls singing
girls singing
girls singing
girls & boys singing
girls & boys singing
two boys singing
group of children singing
group of children singing
close up of girl singing
close up of boys singing
close up of group singing
kids singing while holding hands up in air
group of kids singing and making the shape of a heart
group of kids singing and making the shape of a heart
close up of three kids singing
close up of boy singing
group of children singing
group of children singing
group of children singing
group of children singing
group of children singing
group of children singing
group of children singing
boys saluting the flag
boys saluting the flag
boys saluting the flag
boys saluting the flag
boys saluting the flag
boys saluting the flag
boys saluting the flag
boys saluting the flag
boys saluting the flag
children in the audience sitting and watching performance
children in the audience sitting and watching performance
children in the audience sitting and watching performance
children in the audience sitting and watching performance with the parents
children in the audience sitting and watching performance with the parents
children in the audience sitting and watching performance with the parents
children in the audience sitting and watching performance with the parents
children in the audience sitting and watching performance with the parents
mother and daughter taking a selfie
mother and son & his friends
mother and son & his friends
group of friends taking pictures
group of friends and their moms
group of friends and their moms
mom & son
mom & two daughters
Mr. Celebrano playing with some boys
Mr. Celebrano being hugged by the boys
Mr. Celebrano being hugged by the boys
Mr. Celebrano being hugged by the boys
Mr. Celebrano posing with some students
Mr. Celebrano and a teacher
Mr. Celebrano and boy studnet
Mr. Celebrano and boy students
Mr. Celebrano, security guard and parent
Mr. Celebrano waving