The Importance of Autism Awareness

Los padres y tutores asistieron a una presentación informativa por el Maestro de Educación Especial, Yuly Bristol en la conciencia del autismo. Un agradecimiento especial a Nancy Francisco, Enlace de Padres por siempre organizar eventos familiares maravillosos.  
April is Autism Awareness Month.
At the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), it’s a time to reflect on our progress and reaffirm our commitment to supporting research that responds to the needs of people on the autism spectrum, now and into the future.
Abril es el mes de la concienciación sobre el autismo.

En el Instituto Nacional de Salud Mental (NIMH), es un momento para reflexionar sobre nuestro progreso y reafirmar nuestro compromiso de apoyar la investigación que responda a las necesidades de las personas con espectro autista, ahora y en el futuro.
The Importance of Autism Awareness Month at the Jefferson School
The Importance of Autism Awareness at the Jefferson School
The Importance of Autism Awareness at the Jefferson School
Celebrating Autism Awareness at the Jefferson School
Celebrating Autism Autism Awareness Day at the Jefferson School
Celebrating Autism Autism Awareness Day at the Jefferson School
Celebrating Autism Autism Awareness Day at the Jefferson School
Celebrating Autism Autism Awareness Day at the Jefferson School
Celebrating Autism Autism Awareness Day at the Jefferson School
Celebrating Autism Autism Awareness Day at the Jefferson School
Celebrating Autism Autism Awareness Day at the Jefferson School
Celebrating Autism Autism Awareness Day at the Jefferson School
Celebrating Autism Autism Awareness Day at the Jefferson School